The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod- Summary, Review | Best lessons to learn from

THE MIRACLE MORNING - The 6 habits that will transform your life before 8 AM

The Miracle Morning Summary and Review
The Miracle Morning 

                                   Hello everyone! Do you ever feel exhausted? Demotivated? You want to do several things but are unable to start? You want to achieve a lot but have found no ways to get all those things? You always wanted to be a morning person but couldn't do that? Then you are in right place.

 The Miracle Morning will solve all the problems of your life. Here I am not saying that just in praise of the book, I have personally experienced the magic in the book and here I am sharing how it is helping to improve me day by day. Before directly heading to the summary I wish everyone should learn about the author.

About The Author  

                                      Hal Elrod is a living miracle of our time. His life is proof that every one of us has the ability to overcome our insurmountable adversities and create the most extraordinary, fulfilled life we can imagine for ourselves. 

At the age of 20, Hal met with an accident when he was hit head-on by a drunk driver. He literally died for six minutes, broke eleven bones, suffered permanent brain damage, and was told he would never walk again. 

Ignoring the logic of doctors and the temptation to be the victim, he tried his hard and become a Hall Of Fame business achiever, ultra-marathon runner, artist, motivational speaker, and multiple -times #1 best-selling author.


The Story of the book The Miracle Morning

The Miracle Morning Summery

                      Great things take a lot of time. Any masterpiece is not created overnight. It requires a number of sleepless nights and tremendous efforts to create something that has profound impact on the upcoming generations. In the process of creating something which is really marvelous, your past experiences play a major role.

                      Hal had not pre-decided to write a book on the early morning routines, but some incidents in his life made him to do so. Hal shares his story in the early chapters of The Miracle Morning. 

Ups and downs are the intrinsic parts of human life. There is a certain duration in everyone's life when he is at the top and also there is some era of time when you have to struggle a lot, our bottom phase.

                        Hal also had these experiences. Two of them he shares purposefully are his being hit by a drunk driver and his economically backward phase. In the former case when he met with the accident, and the doctor told him that he will not walk again, he managed to overcome it easily because everybody was there to take care of him. 

Everyday someone came to see him, wish him, and supported him. He could share his grievances. But the latter case was the hardest one. When he had gone completely down in finance. He had a number of debts and had no way to come out of the situation.  And in that circumstances, there was no one to support him. 

He was going to plan a family and this monster was standing in front of him. Hal emphasizes the later experience saying that it was the hardest period of his life.
                           When Hal narrated his situation to one of his close friends, he told him to do nothing but start early morning running. Hal also had a similar question which is currently being asked by your mind ' How the early morning running was going to help him?' But rather than mugging into the logic behind the advice, Hal decided to follow it.

 After the first run, Hal felt something very different. He felt energetic, calm, and happy for no reason. That day Hal observed that early morning running was not going to help him with money problems directly but this was going to help him to build the strength to fight back all the problems in life. So he decided to gain more knowledge about the early morning routines. He read various books related to the same subject and developed The Miracle Morning Routine for himself. 
                    When Hal found that his Miracle Morning Routine has helped him a lot, he passed it to his clients. He received a number of positive feedbacks. But the whole scenario changed when someone posted a video related to The Miracle Morning routine on youtube and it started to take the form of a movement, that day Hal decided to write a book on his Miracle Morning Routine and The Miracle Morning came into existence to help millions to improvise their lives.

The plot of The Miracle Morning

                    In the first few chapters, the author talks about his accident and financial downfall and how that caused the development of The Miracle Morning. Here in these chapters the author tries to develop the desperation to change our lives. 

Then he also provides solutions to the problems regarding rising early in the morning. Finally, he gives his super-powerful formula: The SAVERS. He explains the SAVERS in detail and concludes by making  The Miracle Morning routine possible for everyone.

Five-step snooze proof awaking strategy

Five-step snooze proof awaking strategy

                        "The alarm rings, I wake up, turn it off and again go to sleep."  This is indeed everyone's problem.  The author has provided the solution for this one in the form of a Five-step -snooze-proof awaking strategy. These five steps are as follows-

  Set Your intentions before going to bed

                      Going to sleep means giving charge to our subconscious mind. The subconscious works on our thoughts of that day. But it gives more importance to the thoughts that were in our mind just before handing over the charge to it. 

 When we think about rising early before going to bed, our subconscious focuses on it and help us to execute our task easily. But we have to choose some happy, exciting thoughts which create a happy image of ourselves after rising early.

Move your alarm clock across the room

                         The few minutes after we open our eyes are of the half-awaken state. In that state, if our mind gets a chance to think of other things then it will simply think about going back to bed. 

To keep our minds busy for those moments, it's the best way to keep your alarm clock as difficult as possible to reach. The mind will require some extra efforts to turn it off and it will come to the active stage and after that, it will be impossible for us to fall asleep again.  

Brush Your Teeth

                     Yes. you are right. Everyone knows this. Brushing your teeth is a passive activity that consumes your productive time. If it is executed in our half awaken state, it will give us some time to fully awaken ourselves. Also, it provides freshness which is our essential requirement in the morning.

Drink a full glass of water

                    Drinking a glass of water early in the morning rehydrates your body. The water helps to excrete the toxic substances in the body. Also, the maintained water level of the body gives you some extra power to exercises efficiently.

Put on your work out clothes

                       It maintains the excitement. Wearing workout clothes fills us with pride for ourselves because at that time we easily realize that we are among those who dare to do different things. Having a shower before putting on workout clothes is also a brilliant idea.

SAVERS from The Miracle Morning- The 6 habits that will transform your life before 8 AM

SAVERS from  The Miracle Morning

                    SAVERS is nothing but the acronym used by the author to represent the 6 most important early morning habits. In the book, Hal gives a number of simple ways to perform these activities. As the author has explained in the book these activities need not be performed in the same order mentioned in the acronym. The order in the acronym is just to form a meaningful word. You can perform all these activities in the order suitable for you.

The Miracle Morning SAVERS- S is for Silence

                                                       When nothing works in life then try 'doing nothing' (meditation). It will work definitely
                  The author has used the word 'silence' just to represent the activities related to meditation and calmness of the mind. It contains meditation, prayer, gratitude, reflection, and deep breathing. The activities are not specified by the author, we can add or deduct some activities as per our comfort.

The Miracle morning SAVERS- A is for Affirmations:-

        Its the repetition of affirmation that leads to belief. Once that belief becomes the deep conviction, things begin to happen.
                                                                            ~Muhammad Ali     
                   We are whatever we believe. If you believe you can, or you cannot, you are right either way. Using affirmations here simply means consciously choosing a positive belief system that will help us to become a better version of ourselves. To make a better affirmation for yourself just decide where you want betterment in your life. Then find out the required qualities to attain those points and create positive affirmations regarding those qualities. 

Repeat these affirmations daily to yourselves. Do it as enthusiastically as possible. First few days you might think that 'what I am doing? am I playing in the drama? Is it really going to work?' My friend you just continue on the mission. You will see the astonishing results very soon.

The Miracle Morning SAVERS- V is for Visualization

       I don't take the shot until I clearly picturize the ball going to the goal.
                                                                                           -Tiger Woods   


                     Visualization has played a crucial role in the life of all the genii of the world. Visualization helps to create a desperate need to take action towards the goal. It creates that enthusiasm that is required for overcoming the fear of beginning something new. It builds the appropriate environment inside our minds. It helps us to stay focused on our goals. 

The Miracle Morning SAVERS- E is for Exercise

                  The mind and the body are connected. They influence the activities of each other. For a creative mind, you need a healthy body. The mind works as a software and the body as hardware. To run the machine with its maximum efficiency you need both the software and hardware working correctly. 

Exercise helps the body in similar ways to that meditation helps the mind. You are advised here to do any kind of exercise daily until your body starts sweating. You can do Yoga, or Cardio, or Go for a run, or lift weights. Any kind of exercise is acceptable. Also, you do not need to do the same exercise. You can switch to another type of exercise anytime. Just remember 'you can switch it but don't quit it'.

The Miracle Morning SAVERS- R is for Reading

                         The person who don't read has no advantage than the person who can't read.
                                                                                                       Mark Twain
                There is no need to tell the benefits of reading. You just have to take any good book, especially which makes you think, somewhat hard to understand. Read this book for ten minutes daily. 

You can choose a self-help book also. But choose a book which requires more attention. Simply, read for gaining new ideas related to your work, health, and other things rather than reading for entertainment only.

The Miracle Morning SAVERS- S is for Scribing:- 

                     Keep your personal journal. Write your daily activities. Journalling helps in analyzing our past. It helps us to understand ourselves. If you are unable to write on your daily life, you can daily choose an inspiring thought of any great leader and try to explain what do you understand from it. This will help you to boost positivity.

                         Hal has given everything in detail. Here I have just overviewed two most important concepts from The Miracle Morning. I personally urge everyone to visit  where Hal has talked about every SAVERS very deeply with examples from various lives. Also, The Miracle Morning Movie is something that is worth spending time watching.

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